Sunday, February 19, 2012

You are What you Read

Dr. Suess: The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

1. Within the Text: Processing information in order to gain the basic or literal meaning. Word solving, searching for information, summarizing, fluency
2. Beyond the Text: the reader brings information to the text that isn't explicitly there. Predicitng, using content knowledge, making connections, synthesizing, inferring
3. About the Text: the reader considers the text as an object and notices, writer's craft, literary devices, features, structures.

"Reading comprehension is processing through a wide range of actions, physical, emotional, cognitive and linguistic." Fountes and Pinnell. When you read you are connecting your thinking with the author. This is such a complicated process yet for those of us who grew up reading it could be difficult to explain. Many students will automatically begin to make this natural connection to thinking and understanding the author's words and point of view. However, when a student struggles it won't happen naturally. You have to unlock the secret for them through the mini lesson and flexibile group.

The Second and Third grade team members have been focusing on the reading mini lesson and working to integrate the genre. Discussions around utilizing the features of persuasion from a specific author are transferred to reading by asking the students to use those features to aide compehension. They've re read chapter five and eight in Teaching for Deep Comprehension, Dorn and are in the process of reading chapters 3 - 5 in Teaching cor Comprehensing and Fluency Fountes and Pinnell. Their focus and intention to create mini lesson of value and purpose will raise acheivement in their classrooms.

We read something with the lens of our background knowledge. You have continued to study and have implemented quality reading instruction for several years. Read these materials and see how your perspective has changed. You will bring information to the text and then develop a new understanding. This knowledge will be evident in your lesson plan and delivery.

This week I will finish the implementation study that was delayed due to testing. Thank you to everyone who made testing such a huge success!

1 comment:

  1. Focusing on questioning really has made my literature discussion groups much deeper and richer in conversation. Stretching my groups beyond the text is something I will continue to strive for, thus working towards a higher level of response (both written and orally).
