Tinkerbell is a character who is know for her difficult diva nature. She can be precocious moody, helpful, exciting and in the end wonderfully rewarding. If you recall from the story of Peter Pan Tink was dying and we all needed to wish and say aloud, "I do believe! I do Believe!" and she came to life.
Our school improvement process and progress can feel like this. We will work so hard to put forth our best efforts in lesson planning, explicit language, kind words etc and then boom, someone or something will slam your confidence. It could be bumps in student behavior, motivation, performance that will make you feel like screaming! It is though our relentless focus that we persevere!
Here is what some of your colleagues have said about effective and engaged students in constructive learning:
"Students can explain purpose of lesson and apply it to their own learning in becoming a self-regulated learner. Students don't need guidance in behavior norms because they are so excited and focused investigating."
"Evidence of student thinking will be evident..abundance of student work will be available because the students were so focused and understood the relevance of the learning in the real world"
"Students will be engaged and remember new learning for guided practice and be able to apply that new learning."
Clearly, many of our staff members understand rigor and are implementing these concepts in their instruction.
Know you can make a difference and you will. WE are 82% proficient in reading comprehension! OUR data wall indicates 78% at or above grade level in reading. The students have the ability let's give the the rigorous expectation to see the application!
Remember Belief is key.