Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Learning with my friends

It's hard to believe we have already been in school for three weeks!! Even though I love summer the past week has been a great reminder to me about one of the things I love most about school- learning with my friends. In a conversation with Julie Smith and Kim, as well as a team meeting with the 2nd/3rd grade team, I had a chance to reflect on the power of the launch during the language workshop. I had to question myself about the purpose of the launch and how could my goals for procedures and behaviors for language workshop be accomplished during this brief two or three week window.

While I know that one goal for language workshop is to develop the strategy of inquiry that is essential, I also began to think about all of behaviors that would help to make the students successful in the language workshop throughout the year. I realized it is critical to analyze what these behaviors are and to make sure they are explicitly taught and that the students know the purpose for these behaviors. Students also need time to practice and recieve feedback on how they are doing.

We have done an excellent job teaching them "read-to-self" strategies or how to use centers but I knew I needed to think through the behaviors involved in the language workshop. During the 2nd/3rd grade team we generated some ideas: flagging our thinking or examples, charts and how to use them, how to work with a partner or small group and how to skim books. I'm sure this list is far from complete so I hope you will jump on and add your ideas. Learning together will make us all stronger and benefit all of our students. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn with my friends-it makes it so much more fun!


  1. Well said, Jane! I agree that learning with my friends is best because it give us the opportunity to dialogue which means talking about our thinking and clarifying misconceptions.
    I also am thinking about seeing the end "self regulated learners" Asking, what does that look like? How do students react? Now, how do I teach them those things. THAT'S LAUNCH!

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  3. Great Team today...I really reflected on the "Why" of making co-constructed charts. I did have the opportunity to talk about that this afternoon during our writing workshop...WHY we made charts (what their purpose is) and HOW they help us.

  4. Excellent.
    When we can answer those questions the teaching comes so naturally!
