I am wondering if it is possible to extend the framework or the "essense" of the workshop model to the Music classroom, the PE classroom and the Art classroom. For instance, with Julie's wonderful space she could have a gathering place, a performing place, and so on. My question being, "How can we take the habits which students exhibit in the classroom (so wonderfully), and apply them to other coursework in the building?" I would think that this may assist with classroom management issues for the special classes, and it would reinforce that this is merely the way in which we do things in elementary school.
I think that sometimes the "freedom" or "openness" or "options" when walking in to a large PE space or into the music/art rooms (or lunch room and assemblies!) sets up in our students the expectation that expectations are removed, and they can do what they want because it is not "the classroom".
While I am not looking to manipulate the model in to something it is not, I am looking to have a more universal sense of "this is how we do things" and in making expectations universal from the classroom, to the music/PE/art room, to lunchtime, to assemblies, to CLC. I want to establish a "way to be" at Carter Lake which all students adopt in the classroom, and exhibit as human beings whether in the classroom or out.
Kate Knudsen
Kate's thinking is essential to the foundation of integrating self-regulated learning and behavior. Students need to see themselves as learners in all areas of the school.
ReplyDeleteThis also ties into respect....I've been really talking about the need for respect with ANYONE and ANYWHERE, not just in the classrooms and not just with their normal classroom teacher, but in every part of the building with specials teachers, guest teachers, other classroom teachers, and even peers or younger!